ThankYou= RocketDock is developed by an Apple fanboy and fangirl on OS X. Consider it a peace offering from the Mac community to you.<BR><BR>Together we can end Mac persecution. :)<BR><BR>Enjoy!<BR>The Punk Software Team
Folders= Folders
DefaultFolder= Default Folder
ChangeFolder= Change Folder
Preview= Preview
DefaultIcon= Default Icon
Properties= Properties
Name= Name
Target= Target
FindTarget= Find Target
StartIn= Start in
Arguments= Arguments
Run= Run
RunNormal= Normal
RunMaximized= Maximized
RunMinimized= Minimized
Popup= Popup Menu
ContextMenu= Display Special Actions
FontOutlineColor= Outline Color
FontShadowColor= Shadow Color
FontOutlineOpacity= Outline Opacity
FontShadowOpacity= Shadow Opacity
;For Version 1.1.2
MouseActivate= Popup on Mouseover
AutoHideTime= AutoHide Duration
AutoHideDelay= AutoHide Delay
UberIconFX= UberIcon Effects
;For Version 1.2.0
ZoomFlat= Zoom: Flat
VerticalOffset= Edge Offset
ItemBlank= Blank Icon
Defaults= Defaults
Confirm= Confirm
ConfirmDefaults= Are you sure you want to reset RocketDock to its default settings?<BR>Note: this will not affect your icons.
;For Version 1.3.0
;NOTE: "ZoomFlat" was changed above... Please re-translate
UseINI= Store Settings in a Portable INI (single-user)
GetMore= Get More
Behavior= Behavior
MouseActivateDelay= Popup Delay
IconActivationFX= Icon Attention Effect
None= None
Bounce= Bounce
ZoomOpaque= Zoom Opaque
HoverFX= Hover Effect
ZoomBubble= Zoom: Bubble
ZoomPlateau= Zoom: Plateau
OpenWindow= Open Window
CloseWindow= Close Window
ItemRecycleBin= Recycle Bin
StateNormal= Normal Icon
StateEmpty= Empty Recycle Bin
StateFull= Full Recycle Bin
;For Version 1.3.1
DebugInfo= Debug Info
ConfirmDebugInfo= RocketDock is about to create a debug file...<BR><BR>It Will Contain:<BR> * RocketDock's settings (including paths and arguments)<BR> * The current list of running tasks<BR> * Usefull system information.
DisableMinAnimation= Disable Minimize Animations
OpenRunningShort= Open Running
UseGlobal= Use Global Setting
Always= Always
Never= Never
Warnings= Warnings: <COUNT>
WarningINIWrite= Settings.ini is Read-Only. Your settings cannot be saved.